Highland Cow

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Aluminium Printing

Aluminium printing is something that I'm offering for some of my pictures on Dotty Gallery. It's not archival - the "normal" prints I sell are archival of course but Aluminium are not. I have to make that clear you see because I would hate for someone to think aluminium printing is what they want and then 2/3 years down the line pictures have started fading.

But this is more of an interesting feature for the home or office, something that can be changed constantly perhaps. The images that really work well on aluminium are ones that have a lot of contrast or strong colours. Pictures like these below: -

"Garden Tap" © James Thorne

"Fantasy" © James Thorne

"Shallots" © James Thorne

"Rooster" © James Thorne

On http://www.dottygallery.com/aluminium-page.html it explains about the process but I won't go through all that now don't worry!!

Dead Things Photograph Well!

It might seem a bit strange but I do enjoy photographing dead things! Slowly i seem to be getting a small portfolio of dead animals that I've photographed, i'll pop a few of the best pictures up below for you to see. I try not to mess around with them and show the creatures the respect that they deserve...oh and just so you know, I found them like this I had nothing to do with their end honest!!

And little Petey at the end there is actually in a Limited Edition run of 150 and available to buy all beautiful and framed from http://www.dottygallery.com/

"Bunny" © James Thorne

"Mice01" © James Thorne
These two little Mice above may be a tad difficult to make out properly as the picture is so small, apologies for that

"Petey" © James Thorne
 Available in a Limited Edition run of 150 from http://www.dottygallery.com/

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Why damn you, why why?!?!

I'm finding it very hard to get freelance work. I don't do weddings at that's all that seems to be on offer. Okay people say to me that i should do weddings, but it is just something that i have no interest in. I don't want to be hired for someone's big day to take the images that will be seen and viewed over and over by themselves and their family and friends, and for me not to have put my best effort into capturing all the moments because i'm just not that interested! The responsibility is just too much for me to do it without having the passion. You see, to me that makes sense. For sure I need the money, but I don't want to jeopardise their day and my love of photography.

I was asked if i would take a portrait or two of someone's child recently and they asked how much....so of course I said it would all depend on what you were after, how big/how many, etc. She told me about a local photographer who told her he would do about 6 for an insanely low price. I don't know much but it was a price that doesn't even make sense!?!

Perhaps I'm in the wrong area, an area that is all about weddings and portraits for peanuts....Maybe I just moan too much!! Rant - Ended

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

The Naivety! I shake my fist at you Ebay...

No sales on Ebay as yet...

I setup an Ebay shop about 2 weeks ago, and I know that isn't very long considering but I always think "ooh ebay, i put pictures on there they'll sell straight away"! Naive huh. Anyway i have had a couple of sales in the past from ebay, but surely setting up a shop on there should have more chance of selling no? And possibly increase views to Dotty Gallery.

"1 watcher" for almost each picture....i'm really supporting those watchers, or perhaps it's just the same person watching all of them, either way i'm behind them 100%!!

Ahh The Master!!

Just thought I'd post a little tribute to a photographer who I feel i've got most inspiration from - Sebastião Salgado. Please Enjoy!

© Sebastiao Salgado

© Sebastiao Salgado

© Sebastiao Salgado

© Sebastiao Salgado

Salgado himself (we salute you)

Monday, 23 August 2010

The Allotment Project

I went to college in Truro Cornwall, and when i finished I stayed living there for a while. My house was across from the allotments and I decided to photograph them, this then turned into a mini project photographing the other allotments around Truro. My aim was and in fact still is, to make these photographs into a small book showing life on the allotments. Publishers weren't very interested in the project because of the small scale and finances didn't allow for me to self publish, but one day I will make a small coffee table book of the pictures. And then be able to send Truro Council a copy because the allotment manager was very very helpfull!

Nancemere Allotment's © James Thorne

Chris Humphries © James Thorne

Snow - Sunflower © James Thorne

Sunflowers © James Thorne

Rose © James Thorne

"Garden Tap" © James Thorne

A history lesson on me.....there won't be a quiz don't panic

The first movie I went to the cinema to see was Disney's The Jungle Book, you have to agree a fantastic place to start a love of all things movie-ness.

An all time classic, will never age!

 For years and years I thought I wanted to make movies, was sure of it, and when A Levels came along I was straight there signing up for Film & Video. But when it came to my final exam i made a film that was built up of all still images and told the story that way - i preferred this much more to the other films I had made throughout the course which had been all been normal moving images.

So I went to study Art and Design to get a BTEC Foundation in order to go off and study HND Photography at college. Doing this I really realised that photography was what i wanted to do and what i loved doing. 2 years and the course was finished and I achieved the HND and was ready to go out and be a professional photographer....pffft sure, no trouble!! Oh here are a couple of images from my final major project, the idea behind it is Contrasting Elements in Society: -

"Ghetto Croquet" © James Thorne

"Modern Ballet" © James Thorne

So What's It All About Then Hey?!

Welcome to my blog, this is the first time I've ever done one and I just wanted to show off my work and say how I'm going about being a freelance photographer. I've no doubt I'll be up on my little soapbox from time to time. And it may well seem like i'm trying to get folk to visit my website and, all in all, help me make a living from photography...and that will in fact be what i'm doing http://www.dottygallery.com/!!